Ayudando a su elegido a regresar

Ayudando a su elegido a regresar

"I will gather you from the West..." -Isaiah 43:5



Savin Family ” It all started last year when we took a trip to Israel…we fell in love with Israel instantly and thought could we actually live here? We quickly realized how difficult it would be and the idea faded away. Four months ago we had a family get together. While sitting around the table for dinner we talked about how special it would be to move to Israel. We decided to all move together, that it would be easier. Now we are doing exactly that. We feel very blessed and excited to start this journey along with our entire family…shipping anything would be impossible with our financial situation, any help we could get would be greatly appreciated.” From USA


Manuel and Family – “Shalom, My name is Manuel and my wife is Sonia, we have 3 daughters.
It is with great joy that we greet you, and to be able to express our gratitude to all those persons whose support has made possible for us to be in Eretz, Israel. We want to let you know that the work you make possible with all your donations is marvelous. Even more, we see that you are being used as an instrument of our Eternal God. After long months of prayer and supplication, the answer came through you. What words can we use to express our gratitude, first of all, to our God, and then to you?
I can only tell you in a very simple manner, for my part and on behalf of my family, thank you very much, that your labor for those who are needy will be abundantly rewarded in heaven, and also here on earth. Every day in our prayers we give thanks for all those persons, whom we do not know and have never seen, but that because of your labor, demonstrate that you have generous hearts. We pray that you lives will be filled with bountiful blessings of health, shalom, prosperity for your souls, and that the desires of your hearts will be made real.
As it is written: “He who gives to the poor and needy lends to God, and He will repay him.” And also: “I will bless those who bless you” are the words of Him who can never lie.
Now we have begun a new life, our children are very happy and for us it is an immense joy, knowing that their destiny and inheritance is here… and now we see it fulfilled in our lives thanks to your support.
We say goodbye with deep appreciation, hoping that some day it would be possible have the privilege of knowing you personally.
A warm embrace and shalom from all of our family. From Latin America.


Sheffield Family “There are many reasons that we believe are driving us to make Aliyah at this time …it is the only place where we can live 100% freely as a Jew …Israel needs support and we feel the best way to show our support to Israel is to make Aliyah…we miss our homeland …Thank you for making this possible.” From Canada


Ha llegado el momento en que muchos más judíos quieren mudarse a "casa" a Israel desde las Américas. La Fundación Cyrus, una fundación cristiana sin fines de lucro y exenta de impuestos, dirigida por Bart y Deborah Kellogg junto con otros líderes ministeriales, está ayudando a hacer posible que los judíos necesitados en América del Norte, Central y del Sur regresen a Israel y hagan es su hogar una vez más.


Este ministerio se basa en las donaciones financieras de sus socios y patrocinadores. Gracias por invertir en la vida de las familias judías.


Ha llegado el momento en que muchos más judíos quieren mudarse a "casa" a Israel desde las Américas. La Fundación Cyrus, una fundación cristiana sin fines de lucro y exenta de impuestos, dirigida por Bart y Deborah Kellogg junto con otros líderes ministeriales, está ayudando a hacer posible que los judíos necesitados en América del Norte, Central y del Sur regresen a Israel y hagan es su hogar una vez más.


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