Ayudando a su elegido a regresar

Ayudando a su elegido a regresar

"I will gather you from the West..." -Isaiah 43:5



Aliyah!!! The Exodus Continues

Dr. Dell L. Sanchez
History and Prophecy of Latino/Hispanics of Spanish/Jewish decent


The Cry of Mordecai

Robert Stearns
Awakening an Esther is a Haman Age


God's Abrahamic Covenants With Israel

Tom Hess
Biblical road map or reconciliation. Restoring the Altars, Foundations, Pillars–The Mountains of Israel.


God's Economy, Israel and the Nations

Morris E. Ruddick
Discovering God’s Ancient Kingdom Principles of Entrepreneurship, business, and the Release of Kingdom Wealth.


Identifying The Hierarchy Of Satan

Joy A Schneider
A handbook for wrestling to win!


The Heart of a King

Morris Ruddick
Mantle of Joseph and Daniel to receive the keys to release. His Kingdom in your domain.


Let My People Go!

Tom Hess
An appeal for U.S. Jewry to Make Aliyah.

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

Tom Hess
A prayer guide to more effectively pray for the struggle over Jerusalem.

Prophetic Destinies

Derek Prince
Who Is Israel? Who Is the Church? The Church is having an identity crisis!


Sephardic Destiny

Dr. Dell L. Sanchez
History and Prophecy of Latino/Hispanics of Spanish/Jewish decent


The Sephardic Jews Jerusalem Connection Magazine

Jerusalem Connection Magazine
40 pages of History, Sephardic Hall of Fame, Religious practices, Hidden Heritage, the Churchs’ Role, the Cyrus Legacy, Struggle for Survival, Vision for today, and much more.


The Joseph-Daniel Calling

Morris E. Ruddick
Facilitating the release of the wealth of the wicked.


The Last Chance

Jeffrey Lowenthal
The Jewish plight and the Church’s decision.


The Last Exodus

Dr. Dell L. Sanchez
History and origin of Spanish speaking Jews in the Americas. Also available in Spanish.


El Último Exodo

Dr. Dell L. Sanchez
History and Prophecy of Latino/Hispanics of Spanish/Jewish descent.


The Watchmen

Tom Hess
Being prepared and preparing the way for Messiah.


Your People Shall Be My People

Don Finto
How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church will come together in the Last days.



Ha llegado el momento en que muchos más judíos quieren mudarse a "casa" a Israel desde las Américas. La Fundación Cyrus, una fundación cristiana sin fines de lucro y exenta de impuestos, dirigida por Bart y Deborah Kellogg junto con otros líderes ministeriales, está ayudando a hacer posible que los judíos necesitados en América del Norte, Central y del Sur regresen a Israel y hagan es su hogar una vez más.


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